OP Testnets are migrating from OP Goerli to OP Sepolia.
Ethereum's Goerli testnet, and OP Goerli along with it, will be fully decommissioned in January 2024. Migrate to OP Sepolia for any testing and development needs!

Optimism is in the process of migrating testnets from OP Goerli to OP Sepolia. The Goerli testnet has been deprecated by the Ethereum community since January 2023, and it is only being maintained until the end of 2023.
OP Sepolia is the sustainable path forward, and we encourage all apps and developers to migrate to OP Sepolia for any testing and development needs.
How will this migration impact partners and users?
Ethereum Goerli, and OP Goerli along with it, will be fully decommissioned in January 2024. When a testnet is deprecated - like Ropsten, Rinkeby, and Kovan were in the past - it loses parity with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), making it unsafe and inaccurate for testing apps and other web3 projects.
We are encouraging all our all developers and end users to migrate before January 2024 to ensure that your testnet app works as intended on OP Sepolia.
This is the network information to include:
- Network Name - OP Sepolia
- RPC URL - https://sepolia.optimism.io/
- Chain ID - 11155420
- Currency Symbol - SepoliaETH
- Block Explorer URL - https://optimism-sepolia.blockscout.com/
- Contract Addresses: https://github.com/ethereum-optimism/optimism/tree/develop/packages/contracts-bedrock/deployments/sepolia
End users looking to experiment in a testnet environment should begin to do so on OP Sepolia instead of OP Goerli. Testnet funds can be claimed through the Superchain faucet, up to 1 test ETH per day. The bridge supports Sepolia testnets as well. Metamask already supports OP Sepolia so it can be found in the drop down menu. If you need to add it as a custom network somewhere else, please use the network information included above.
Do you need support while migrating to OP Sepolia?
If you’re having any trouble with this migration, you can reach out to us in the Developer Forum and we will provide support.